Delivery Mystery is a creepy adventure game that takes you on a strange and unforgettable journey through the seemingly normal city of Deskadia. You will play the role of a delivery man doing his daily job in the city. However, you will have mysterious encounters and things will become strange from the people you meet, the items and the events.
Find out the hidden truth in this city.
Perform your daily tasks of delivering packages to different locations. As you meet the residents of Deskadia, engage in conversations to collect clues. Each character has a unique personality and may contain valuable information.
Start searching for items scattered throughout the city. These items can help you unlock hidden paths or trigger specific endings.
Drive your truck to different locations, from busy streets to strange alleys. Each location has secrets waiting to be discovered. Your decisions will influence the plot and determine which of the five endings you will unlock. Each choice shapes your path, taking you closer to the truth or deeper into the mystery.
Explore the secret hidden in the scary house: Scary House Clown Evil.